Transfiguration (pt. 5)
In today’s lesson, we explore the literary progression found in the Gospel of Mark that concerns “seeing” and “hearing” as the disciples ascend on their journey toward the Transfiguration.
The rabbis taught that the kingdom of God comes through “seeing” and “hearing.” Through the prophet Isaiah, God chastises Israel for having “eyes” but not being able to see and having “ears” but the inability to hear. This is the same question Jesus is going to ask the disciples after the Feeding of the 4000 (Mark 8:18). The progression in Mark shows us the opening of ears and eyes that prepares the disciples for the Transfiguration event. At the Transfiguration event, the disciple’s eyes and ears are opened, allowing them to see into the mystical and observe Jesus' true nature. ![]()
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In today's video, we explore the Transfiguration through the lens of Mystical Judaism.
A concept prevalent in first-century Judaism concerned the existence of a "Heavenly Man" - or, as in Mystical Judaism, the Adam Kadmon - the Original Adam. Humanity is made in the image of God, yet God has no image. The "Heavenly Man" solves this paradox." Join us as we connect Paul's use of the term "Heavenly Man" in 1 Corinthians and other second temple period writings to a deeper understanding of Jesus and the Transfiguration. ![]()
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Transfiguration (pt. 3)
In today's lesson, we continue our series on the Transfiguration by exploring the connection between the First Adam and Jesus, as the Last Adam.
This connection takes us back to Eden and the loss of glory that Adam and Eve experienced after their sin. According to Rabbinic writings, when the Messiah comes, he will restore the glory that Adam lost. Moreover, Paul will use this line of Rabbinic theology to encourage us to increase our own reflected glory now that the Messiah - Jesus - has come. Today's lesson not only helps us understand the Transfiguration event but also provides a goal for our personal spiritual growth. As we mature as Christians, we increasingly reflect God's glory into the darkness of the world. ![]()
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Teacher Scott Broberg - I have a Masters of Divinity (MDiv) from Bethel Seminary - San Diego - Biblical Studies with and emphasis on the Old Testament. Categories
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January 2025
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