Book of Judges (pt. 2 of 2)
The book of Judges shows us the cyclical decline of Israel's society during the period of the Judges. The result of this decline is a descent into a civil war (Judges 20).
Judges 19 symbolically represents the deterioration of societal norms. At the end of chapter 19, we find a disturbing story of a Levite who dismembers his concubine's body and delivers the pieces to the tribes of Israel. What are we to make of this act? Join us today as we work through some of the ancient symbolism present in the book of Judges that God uses to communicate this important message.
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Book of Judges (pt. 1 of 2)
The book of Judges tells the story of Israel's cyclical descent into chaos and eventually civil war.
In this lesson, we examine the cycle that repeats six times throughout the book, each getting worse than the last. Amid these cycles, we find a parable (technically a fable) that is a warning about the people making sure they choose the proper leadership. The key to understanding the parable is a particular tree in Israel. We examine the characteristics of the tree to see how it helps us understand the embedded message of the parable.
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Matthew Study - Part 10 of 10Are We Called to Suffer?
What message can we understand from the narrative of Jesus' betrayal and unjust suffering found in the Gospels (Matt. 26 & 27)?
Peter helps us understand the more profound message when he explains that Jesus suffered as an "example" for us. Should we face betrayal and unjust suffering - as we likely will - we are to look to Jesus' actions as the example of how we should respond. In today's lesson, we look at a thread that is woven throughout scripture about unjust suffering, how it connects to Jesus at the pinnacle, and what it means for us as we "walk as Jesus walked" (1 John 2:6).
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Matthew Study - Part 9 of 10Gezerah Shavah
"What is the greatest commandment?"
This is a question Jesus is asked by one of the Pharisees - an expert in the Torah (Law) - as recorded in Matthew 22:36 Jesus is asked for one commandment. He answers by giving two. What is going on here? How are those two commandments related that Jesus says, "They have the same meaning." Join us as we explore the background to this question of the Greatest Commandment and how Jesus' answer takes us deeper than expected.
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Teacher Scott Broberg - I have a Masters of Divinity (MDiv) from Bethel Seminary - San Diego - Biblical Studies with and emphasis on the Old Testament. Categories
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December 2024
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